Planetarium Visit

My grade went on a field trip to the Morehead planetarium and science center on the UNC campus. It was super cool and a really fun experience. We got to the planetarium by buses. Whenever you ride in buses with friends it is always so fun for the kids but a nightmare for the teachers. It was about a 35 minute drive to the planetarium. When we got there everybody unloaded from the buses and looked around at the UNC campus in all its beauty… well all the UNC fans did (except for Jonah who was not there). we were dropped off so that the buses did not have to find a parking spot on a college campus with a bunch of eager kids. After we unloaded our lunches onto wagons everyone split up into their set groups and went different places. Some went to the sun dial in the middle of the parking lot to take a photo. Others went to the UNC gardens. My small group was with a math teacher named Mrs. Stanbury  and the boys in my advisory. it was a smaller group but I liked that. My group ended up going to the gardens first and walking around with Mr. Lovett’s advisory because he was not in a bus and had to drive and then find a parking spot. After walking around the garden a few times a bigger group of people went to have lunch at some benches under the sun. That was good because for some reason the day we did this was extremely cold and windy.

Here is a photo of the UNC gardens:

There were two main groups. Group 1 and group 2. I was in group one so we had lunch while         group 2 toured the exhibits. Lunch for us was from 11:30 to 11:55. After lunch we went into a building that all sorts of cool exhibits to look at and learn about. My favorite was an exhibit where you would sit in a small space like you were in a spaceship Then you would learn what it takes for astronauts to know where they are in space by learning the constellations. Next group 1 went to see the dome show which was super cool. It was like a giant television displayed across the roof. All of it felt so real and life like. The dome show was about Mrs and what it would take to travel there and back and have a successful mission. I learned a lot and it was great experience. After This we went to the “Phenomenal Physics” presentation. This was with an older science guy. He was actually a really nice guy though and he showed us a lot of different science experiments. Some of them included: Liquid nitrogen, magnets and Newton’s laws of motion. Again, this was a super cool experience and I learned a lot.


This is a photo of what liquid nitrogen looked like which was -360 Degrees Fahrenheit that I got from Wikipedia commons.









This would conclude our visit to Morehead Planetarium. Thank you for reading this blog.

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