September 28th 2023 archive

Backpack Project

Backpack Project

Over the summer for Language Arts class we read a book called Finding Someplace by Denice Lewis Patrick.

Picture of the book taken by me.

In the book the main character Reese lived in Louisiana during the time when Hurricane Katrina was hitting to hit. During the hurricane she had to hide out at her elderly neighbors house. Reese had to pack a back pack before the hurricane with only the things she could fit to take with her while the hurricane was hitting Louisiana.

When school started our L.A teacher,  Mrs Williams made us do a project called a the backpack project. Mrs Williams asked us if a hurricane was coming what would you pack in a backpack. To start out with we got  papers with back packs printed on them.The backpack was blank and looked like this.

Picture of the blank backpack taken by me.

We were asked by Mrs. Williams to draw little things in the backpack that you would take with you.  We first wrote it in pencil then traced over it with a pen.  After that we colored in the items. Then we got to color the backpack and make final touches on it. At the end of this fun project the back packs ended up looking like this.

Photo of the backpacks taken by me.

My backpack is near the bottom left it has a yellow background and is very colorful and it is also above the pink background one.

This project was very fun and gave the opportunity to be creative. I like how much freedom we had with this project and hope that we can do something like this again in the future.

Their was a second part to project with the book Finding Someplace. We had to write an essay about who we think the hero is. I chose Miss Martine as the hero of the story and this is why.

Photo of my hero essay taken by me.

I thought that this essay was really fun to write. And again, I liked how you can have a lot of freedom with this post.

This will conclude this blog.

Signing out -Callan ⚽️